salju turun

Rabu, 29 April 2015

The Ways We Pronounce -Ed

The Ways We Pronounce -Ed

We can find -ed style in the simple past tense or past participle in the regular verb. I'm sure that all of you are confusing when you try to speak the verb which use that style.
ex : I cooked a cake for you.

we can pronounce the -ed in 3 ways:
  • /ɪd/
  • /t/
  • /d/

If the base verb ends in one of these sounds example base verb* example with -ed pronounce the -ed as extra syllable?
/t/ want wanted /ɪd/ yes
/d/ end ended
unvoiced /p/ hope hoped /t/ no
/f/ laugh laughed
/s/ fax faxed
/ʃ/ wash washed
/ʧ/ watch watched
/k/ like liked
voiced all other sounds, eg play played /d/
allow allowed
beg begged

*Note that it is the sound that is important, not the letter or spelling. For example, fax ends in the letter x but the sound /s/; like ends in the letter e but the sound /k/.

The following -ed words used as adjectives are pronounced with /ɪd/:
  • aged
  • dogged
  • ragged
  • blessed
  • learned
  • wicked
  • crooked
  • naked
  • wretched
So we say:

  • an aged man /ɪd/
  • a blessed nuisance /ɪd/
  • a dogged persistence /ɪd/
  • a learned professor - the professor, who was truly learned /ɪd/
  • a wretched beggar - the beggar was wretched /ɪd/
But when used as real verbs (past simple and past participle), the normal rules apply and we say:

  • he aged quickly /d/
  • he blessed me /t/
  • they dogged him /d/
  • he has learned well /d/ or /t/
Source :

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